【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2023-12-28)
转自:外交部发言人办公室2023年12月28日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on December 28, 2023法新社记者:中国驻缅甸大使馆今天提醒在老街地区的中国公民尽快转移撤离,外交部对此有无更多信息,包括中方可能进一步斡旋的情况?AFP: China’s Embassy in Myanmar today reminded all Chinese nationals in Laukkaing to evacuate soon. Can you share more information with us, including the possible further mediation by the Chinese side?毛宁:当前,缅甸果敢自治区安全形势严峻复杂,我们提醒中国公民暂勿前往缅北地区,呼吁已在当地特别是老街市区的中国公民尽快转移至安全地带或回国,做好安全防范。Mao Ning: The current security situation in the Kokang self-administered zone in Myanmar is severe and complex. We would like to remind Chinese nationals not to travel to northern Myanmar and call on Chinese nationals already in the area, especially those in Laukkaing Township, to move to safety or return to China as soon as possible and take safety precautions.中方始终认为,维护停火和谈势头符合缅甸相关各方利益,有助于维护中缅边境安宁。希望缅甸相关各方彼此保持最大克制,主动缓和现地局势,共同推动缅北局势软着陆,同时采取切实举措,确保中方在缅人员机构和项目安全。 China believes that maintaining the momentum of ceasefire and peace talks serves the interest of relevant parties in Myanmar and helps ensure peace and tranquility at the China-Myanmar border area. China hopes that relevant parties in Myanmar will exercise maximum restraint, actively ease the situation on the ground, together realize the soft landing of the situation in northern Myanmar and take concrete actions to protect the safety and security of Chinese projects and personnel in Myanmar. 深圳卫视记者:英国《金融时报》曾报道称,中国正通过冗长的审批流程和严苛的限制条件,阻挠行经南海的海底电缆铺设和维修计划,迫使电缆公司设计避开南海的铺设线路。《日本经济新闻》也报道称,部分途经中国南海海域的海缆项目因中国主管机构审批流程冗长而进展缓慢。请问中方对此有何评论?Shenzhen TV: The UK-based Financial Times reported earlier that China is imposing a lengthy approval process and strict requirements to impede projects that lay and maintain undersea cables through the South China Sea. This has forced cable companies to reroute and bypass the South China Sea. Nikkei also reported that owing to the lengthy approval by China’s competent authorities, the progress of some cable projects through the South China Sea has been slowed down. What’s your comments? 毛宁:海底电缆是支撑全球数据往来的重要基础设施,承载了全球约99%的洲际通信流量,是当代国际通信最重要的信息载体。长期以来,中国持续深化网络空间国际交流合作,积极推进包括海底电缆在内的全球信息基础设施建设。中国全面履行《联合国海洋法公约》,出台了《海域使用管理法》《海洋环境保护法》《铺设海底电缆管道管理规定》及《海底电缆管道保护规定》等相关法律法规和规章,明确了各国在中方管辖海域依法享有铺设海底电缆的权利以及应当承担的义务,为国际海底电缆过境中方管辖海域提供良好法制保障。 Mao Ning: Undersea cables are critical infrastructure for global data flow and carry around 99 percent of the world’s intercontinental communications traffic. They are the most important type of information carrier in international communications. Over the years, China has enhanced international exchanges and cooperation in cyberspace and actively advanced the construction of undersea cables and other types of global information infrastructure. China has implemented the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in letter and in spirit, and issued the Sea Areas Administration Law, the Marine Environment Protection Law, the Provisions Governing the Laying of Submarine Cables and Pipelines, the Provisions Governing the Protection of Submarine Cables and Pipelines and other relevant laws and regulations, which identify countries’ rights and obligations in laying cables in waters under China’s jurisdiction in accordance with the law. They provide sound legal safeguards to international undersea cables that travel through waters under China’s jurisdiction.中国政府对其他国家及电信企业在中方管辖海域铺设国际海底电缆始终持欢迎和支持态度,也积极鼓励中国企业同外国企业合作铺设国际海底电缆。中方将继续同国际社会一道,加强双边、区域和国际对话合作,积极推进海底电缆等全球信息基础设施建设,共同做好海底电缆保护,提升全球数字互联互通水平,构建更加公平合理、安全稳定、富有生机活力的网络空间,携手构建网络空间命运共同体。China welcomes and supports other countries and telecommunication companies in laying international undersea cables in waters under China’s jurisdiction. We encourage such collaboration between Chinese companies and their foreign counterparts. China will continue to work with the international community to strengthen bilateral, regional and international dialogue and cooperation, actively advance the building of global information infrastructure including undersea cables, jointly protect the cables, and boost global digital connectivity. We will jointly build a fairer and more equitable, secure, stable and vibrant cyberspace and a community with a shared future in cyberspace.
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